Jamboree Heights

Jamboree Heights, Queensland, 4074

  ranked 134 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Aggregate Data of Jamboree Heights
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4074 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Middle Park
Mount Ommaney
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 134 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population: 3056, ranked 180 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Measurement: 1.1563 km2 , ranked 250 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population density: 2642.91 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 13.2 km
Average level of education: 11.28 years , ranked 95 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median yearly personal income: 35360 AUD , ranked 130 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly personal income: 680 AUD , ranked 130 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly family income: 1687 AUD , ranked 153 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly household income: 1556 AUD , ranked 117 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Jamboree Heights suburbs nearby
Sumner 4074
Middle Park 4074
Mount Ommaney 4074
Westlake 4074
Jindalee 4074
Darra 4076
Riverhills 4074
Sinnamon Park 4073
Seventeen Mile Rocks 4073
Updated: 2019-05-18 12:53:46